DIALOGUE EARTH Doku/portrait, Dokumentarfilm, USA/D 2019, 74 min.
Trailer »Dialogue Earth«
Kinostart in Deutschland: 18. Juni 2020
Der Film kann ebenfalls als DVD über Amazon erworben werden. Interview auf Docfilm42, deutsche Version: Interview at Docfilm42, english version: Dialogue Earth ist ein Film-Porträit der deutschen Künstlerin Ulrike Arnold von Regiesseur Hank Levine. Der Film zeigt ihre Arbeitsweise, mit Erden aus entlegenen Gebieten der ganzen Welt – und sogar mit dem Staub von Meteoriten – zu malen. Ihre Begegnungen mit alten Freunden, der Abschied von Verstorbenen, sowie die Spiritualität in ihren Bildern führen uns dazu, über ihr Schaffen nachzudenken. Als sie ihre Arbeiten an dem Tag in der Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness ausstellt, an dem Trump seinen Erlass zur Demontage von Nationaldenkmälern ankündigt, erkennt sie, dass diese besondere Landschaft durch Bergbau und Ölexploration gefährdet ist. Bei einem Besuch der US Grenze zu Mexiko mit ihrem Künstlerfreund Peter Young verrät sie ihre Pläne für ihre nächste Arbeit: Zum ersten Mal in einem Gemälde Erdfarben von allen Orten, die sie in den letzten 38 Jahren besucht hat, zu vereinen. Das filmische Künstlerporträt mit einem Soundtrack des Musikers Volker Bertelmann aka Hauschka (Lion, 2016) übernimmt dabei die Dynamik ihrer Biographie und begleitet sie an Orte, die der Zivilisation fern sind. Dialogue Earth is a feature-length documentary, which offers us a moving portrait of the German artist Ulrike Arnold, who paints with earth and meteorites from remote areas all around the world, and now travels through archaic, mystical landscapes in the American Southwest, especially the wilderness of southern Utah. Filmtrailer »Dialogue Earth«: Kino On Demand.
Film Festival participation
Press / Pressestimmen Levine’s agenda is more than to record her work; borne along by the radiant energy of Arnold’s sites, viewers can relive the artist’s dialogue with nature and her endeavour to render its essence on canvas. The film is a meditation on the beauty and majesty of Creation.” Christine Galitzine, script writer
"Her works, like most creative works of music or literature, are an outlet for loneliness, pain, suffering and joy. No one who knows Ulrike or her work can doubt that joy is her predominant emotion." L. Greer Price, geologist and author
"A fascinating film about a fascinating woman who makes us aware of how precious our planet and its surface are, and she does this in a very subtle and profound way. Every place on earth has its individuality and no one can portray these places better than Ulrike Arnold. She cares deeply about the planet and is a woman of conviction." Jean Pütz, science journalist and television host
"What a wonderfully strong woman she is: her head is in the stars, and her feet are on the ground. Her paintings are created from earth's colors and minerals: red, blue, yellow, green and meteorite dust. The film is a fascinating work that conveys joy, beauty and harmony." Wibke von Bonin, cultural historian, publicist and television editor
„Ulrike's work is all about power. The power of the primal elements of the natural world. The stillness of the earth--the things that were here long before us and will be here way after. Her work reminds us that everything changes and nothing is lost." Todd Strauss-Schulson, director of Isn’t It Romantic
"A fascinating and thought-provoking insight into the life and work of a unique artist." Dr. Martin Blaney, Screen International
"For we on speed in rush hour, take the next Exit-'Dialogue Earth'. An artopsy is in play 'from dust we came and to dust we shall return'— clear as mud, the extraordinary Terra Firma of Ulrike Arnold." Godfrey Reggio, director and producer of Koyaanisqatsi
"Ulrike Arnold is looking for the stars above beneath her feet. In the sands of Atacama she tracks the traces of another world."
Wilfried Doerstel
"Incredibly wonderful, touching, and profound. As strong as a meteorite." Carl Friedrich Schroer, art critic and journalist
“(More than a documentary) Dialogue Earth is an intimate journey into Ulrike Arnold’s unique art. In today’s hyper-charged Societies, Ulrike safeguards our true self, one of humble and timeless unity with nature. Hank Levine’s prowess in story telling and photography are exceptional.” Roberto Perez Rocha, Founder and Director, Films for Transparency
"Cinematic in scope, artistic in depth. Bravo!" Todd Maxwell
“At the most immediate, sensual level, the viewer encounters a form of rhythmic abstraction that celebrates the process of painting itself. There are close affinities to dance and to performance, for which the canvas serves as a portable stage. David Galloway, professor, author, and art curator