Ulrike Arnold
Earth paintings
Meteorite paintings
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Monturaqui crater, Atacama (9:18 min)
Great experience in Monturaqui Crater! Three hours drive south of San Pedro de Atacama on search for the biggest Meteorcrater in Southamerica, 3.000 meter Altitude. sort of cross country drive.


I painted with the different earth and also real Impactide - When the meteor hit the ground (about 10.000 years ago) it melted with the rocks and gives a great mixture with shiny meteorparts. We detected with special equipment these little impactides. Lucky to be on this trip with Rodrigo, the meteorhunter and owner of the Meteor Museum here in San Pedro de Atacama.


Further Clips from Chile

Between 2012 and 2015 Ulrike Arnold traveled every year to Atacama, painting at different sites like Valle de Arcoiris, Chulacao, Cordilliera de la sal, Monturaqui crater, Paranal and Laguna Escondida.

Chile and Easter Island2011/12 (28:38 min) Paranal, Atacama 2012 (6:08 min) Cueva de Chulacao, April 2014 (6:19 min)
Cordilliera de la sal, Atacama, (4:14 min) Chile, March 2014, Laguna Escondida, Atacama, Chile, May 2015 (3:48 min)



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